Archive | September, 2011


26 Sep

Oh hi, I didn’t see you there.

Why don’t I take a minute to introduce myself?  I am an avid reader, self-professed geek, baking enthusiast, and perhaps a tiny bit keen…

I will be officially starting my PhD this week at the University of Sheffield in the Department of Archaeology.  The working title of my thesis is: ‘Profiling the dead: demographic characterisation of mass fatality incidents in the past and the present’.  You may be thinking that perhaps it is a bit of a vague title, but I prefer to go with general… and I also like to emphasise that it is called a “working title” for a reason.

I reckon that at certain points in time over the next three years (and it will be three) I will feel like writing, but it may not always be exactly related to my research subject.  Thus, I have created this blog to capture my mid-morning, mid-day, mid-night ramblings.  It may come to include anything from the interesting and academic to the amusing and distracting.  Although to be fair, there may also be quite a lot of overlap in what I consider interesting, academic, amusing, and distracting.

I shall finish up this welcome post by welcoming you, formally, to my blog!  It is my hope that you will find it interesting, but if nothing else it will help me feel a little bit less like a zombie some days.